Maralee’s Dance Productions & Design, LLC
Updated Fall Season 8/07/22
Due to the 2019-2020 outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Maralee’s Dance is taking extra precautions to include health questionnaire of dancers/staff, mandatory mask wearing at check in and between classes, enhanced sanitation/disinfection procedures in accordance with the most recent guidance and protocols issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Oregon State Department for Health Services (OHA) for slowing the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses.
​All our in-studio classes at Maralee’s Dance Productions will be STRICTLY following these procedures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 & variants.
​Fall Open House 9/6, 7 & 9 from 4-7pm daily
​Fall Dance Program Starts 9/19-23
*Please Note: It is difficult and we cannot guarantee to implement the same level of safety measures; 6+ feet of social distancing guidelines without the help & instruction of parents. Please explain to your dancer our guidelines. (Thank you)
As the state risk management changes, we will continue with the wearing of face coverings to and from dance class only for September. We will re-evaluate after – Thank you for your understanding as we want to continue to remain open for our community.
Class Participation Procedures:
​1. In-Studio Classes -
a. Parents will need to log in their portals to acknowledge our NEW RELEASE WAIVER FORMS. This MUST be completed before joining IN-PERSON Class.
b. Classes are limited to space and will not be over capacity at any point of time for our in-person classes.
c. We will have a sign in, sanitize and temperature station, during the month of September. After this date we will re-evaluate.
d. Students cannot attend the in-person class at any time if they are head-achy, feverish, or sick. Please notify instructor when ill or absent. Thank you
2. Student Drop off & Check in;
a. Students should wear a mask or face covering coming to and from the dance studio for the month of September. We will have disposable masks available and if for some reason you or your dancer arrives without a mask or covering at time of check in, We can supply a mask if needed.
*Maralee’s Adjustable Lanyard Masks $7.50; are the perfect dancer mask they are soft, they stay around their necks & are adjustable for littles and adults. Masks are washable. $7.50 ea.
**Use link below
B. please have dancers bring all dance shoes and belonging in a dance bag or back pack.
*Maralee’s Dance Boutique site has many items ready to order; your dancer can pick up their ordered item when they check in for their class. **Use the link below for Maralee’s Dance Boutique: https://maralees-dance-productions-design-llc-100178.square.site/
c. Dancers or parents will to sign in each day they are present at the dance school, use sanitizer, take and record temperatures.
3. Students can be dropped off at our current unloading area (Fir Street Sidewalk area). Additional parents/family members and friends are prohibited inside the studio at this time. Parents/guardians walking up with dancer are required to wear a mask or face covering. *(watch emails for changing updates)
4. Students shouldn’t arrive - NO SOONER OR LATER than 5 min prior or past the class start time.
5. Our lobby area is currently limited, and will be our entrance and check in area. during *Parents of young students may bring their dancer to door at check in. We are limited on space capacity in the building due to restrictions and guidelines for social distancing; we cannot guarantee that we will have seating available in lobby area. Dancers will then walk into main studio area to prepare for class by getting shoes on, using restroom and sitting quietly for instructors. (parents will not be seating in dancers prep area, must be in lobby area.) Thank you.
6. Our restrooms they will be cleaned at the beginning and end of each day. We now have touch-less soap dispenser and paper towels for hand cleaning/drying, and have toilet seat coverings available.
7. We suggest having your dancer bring their own water bottle with name clearly marked on it. We do have water bottles for purchase .50 cents each. We sometimes have snacks for purchase too, items .50 -1.00 each. We ask to send money with your dancer or we will charge your family account.
8. Students should avoid contact with as many surfaces or people in the studio as possible. Our instructors will be doing their best to be cleaning surfaces at the end of class this includes: dance Barres, disinfecting dance floors, wiping down restroom and spray disinfectant in air.
9. Students/ Instructors will sanitize hands while entering their dance class and at the end of class upon departing the studio. Our studio is equipped with hand sanitizers by the door and plenty of cleaning sprays/ wipes, and face masks.
​ ~ Classroom A = 20’ X 50’ 24’ tall enclosed ceiling, Merv13 filters box fan)
~ Classroom B = 24’ X 60’ open air ceiling concept with exhaust fan leading outside.
*We have continuous air flow in each studio; we have added new box fans that are equipped with Merv13 filters for quality air flow.
Picking up your dancer:
*Fall Season drop off/ pick up can be a bit confusing in the beginning, as our new dance families learning the system and our neighboring businesses getting use to us being back in session.
a. As you turn onto the small alley drive (pass the front studio/building) you’ll see the fence line to your left, please follow all the way down to lower parking areas circle around, pull up & line up along fence.
b. Once you see door monitor or dancers being released, please pull forward along fence and use the parking lot a roundabout circling in front of doors. – your dancer may be walked out to your car in case our parking spots may be occupied by one of neighbors clients in front of our studio doors. We will do our best to have your dancer ready for pick up as we see & recognize cars lining up. If your dancer is not ready when you drive up to the roundabout area, please circle back to the lineup so we can keep the cars flowing as best as possible. Thank you.
~ If your class happens to be at the end of the night you may park along the sidewalk area and in our parking area, only at the end of the evening. Thank you.
​ ~ There may be a class that we switch pick up in the same area of drop off
~ We have installed additional lighting on the corner of the studio building for our drop off and pick up areas.
*Please be patient during the start of the Season as new dance families are learning our system & our new schedule adjustment period will affect our neighboring businesses.